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  1. Learn how to create agile and more reliable supply chains
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  5. Stay informed about COVID-19 and other disruptions affecting supply chains that are more complex and more vulnerable by the day

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Agile Supply Chain Podcast

Special Episode: McKinsey & Company on the Industry-Wide Effort to Make Patient-Driven Supply Chains a Reality

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Agile Supply Chain Podcast

Podcast Episode 17: Bob Cantow on Why ERP is Necessary, But Not Sufficient

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Agile Supply Chain Podcast

Special Episode: IDC on Winning Strategies for Increasing Resilience in the Face of Supply Chain Disruptions

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Agile Supply Chain Podcast

Podcast Episode 1: Dave Aquino on Supply Chain Fragility and Agility

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Featured Whitepaper


Starts and Stops: 6 Steps You Can Take to Increase Supply Chain Resilience

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Poor Visibility Tops IDC's List of 6 Obstacles to Pharma Supply Chain Resilience

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Improving OTIF: How to Start Building a More Patient-Centric, Agile Supply Chain

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COVID-19 Sparks a Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Reboot: Are You Leading or Lagging with Technology Investments?

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How is the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Evolving?

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What is a Patient-Centric Supply Chain?

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The Supply Chain Leader's Path to Patient-Centricity

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How Does Patient-Centric Planning Impact Demand Forecast Accuracy?

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