Live Webinar

Maximize Pharmacy Efficiency: Achieve DSCSA Compliance for 340B Inventory Without Disrupting Operations

Thursday, September 5th, 2024 - 11 a.m. ET

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Caitlin Czulada,
VP, Solution Center of Excellence,


Shrijan Rajkarnikar,
Sr. Manager, Center of Excellence,


Dan Walles,
General Manager of Traceability & Compliance,

Managing 340B product in compliance with the U.S. Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) is complex. The various workflows that covered entities and contract pharmacies use for 340B shipping, receiving, replenishment, and reimbursement all have unique compliance ramifications.

No matter how your organization manages 340B product, TraceLink offers the flexibility you need to meet the DSCSA compliance requirements without disruption. Join us for this live webinar on September 5 to see how TraceLink supports DSCSA for 340B use cases, including:

  • Virtual inventory models
  • Physical inventory models
  • Alternative inventory models
  • In-house covered entity pharmacy models

Whether you’re a covered entity, contract pharmacy, wholesaler, or manufacturer, you’ll walk away with valuable insight for your DSCSA compliance project. Save your seat today!

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