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Resolve supply chain issues 65% faster with Agile Process Teams for Supply Chain Issue Management

Want to Learn More? Download The Supply Chain Issue Management Best Practices Handbook Now!

Resolving supply chain issues the old fashioned way—with countless phone calls, emails, and video meetings—can take six weeks or longer. But now there is a smarter way. Read our new infographic to learn how Agile Process Teams for Supply Chain Issue Management (APT-SCIM) helps manufacturing organizations gain end-to-end supply chain visibility with real-time dashboards and resolve supply chain issues up to 65% faster. Then download the handbook to learn more.

APT-SCIM brings speed, visibility, structure, and accountability to supply chain issue resolution processes—and helps you apply Six Sigma methodologies so you can achieve operational excellence across your end-to-end supply chain. But faster issue resolution is just one of the benefits of APT-SCIM.

Fill out the form to download “The Supply Chain Issue Management Best Practices Handbook: Achieving Operational Excellence Through Digitalization and Continuous Process Improvement,” and you’ll learn how APT-SCIM delivers additional benefits, including:

  • A 35% reduction in supply chain incidents
  • A 50% reduction in repeat deviations
  • A 97% reduction in manufacturing disruptions
  • A 96% reduction in defects per million
  • An 82% improvement in delivery performance
Start building a more agile, resilient, and responsive supply chain. Download the handbook today.